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Lifted-base exports IO operations from the `base' library lifted to any instance of `MonadBase' or `MonadBaseControl'. Note that not all modules from `base' are converted yet. The package includes a…

ghc-linear 1.20.9

This package provides types and combinators for linear algebra on free vector spaces. …

ghc-listlike 4.6.2

The ListLike module provides a common interface to the various Haskell types that are list-like. Predefined interfaces include standard Haskell lists, Arrays, ByteStrings, and lazy ByteStrings. Custom types can easily…

ghc-llvm-hs 9.0.1

llvm-hs is a set of Haskell bindings for LLVM. Unlike other current Haskell bindings, it uses an algebraic datatype (ADT) to represent LLVM IR, and so offers two advantages: it handles…

ghc-llvm-hs-pure 9.0.0

llvm-hs-pure is a set of pure Haskell types and functions for interacting with LLVM. It includes an algebraic datatype (ADT) to represent LLVM IR. The llvm-hs package builds on this…

ghc-logging-facade 0.3.0

This package provides a simple logging abstraction that allows multiple back-ends. …


This library provides a continuation-based, backtracking, logic programming monad. An adaptation of the two-continuation implementation found in the paper "Backtracking, Interleaving, and Terminating Monad Transformers" available online ( …


This package provides a pure interface for compressing and decompressing LZMA streams of data represented as lazy `ByteString's. A monadic incremental interface is provided as well. …

ghc-lzma-conduit 1.2.1

This package provides a `Conduit' interface for the LZMA compression algorithm used in the `.xz' file format. …

ghc-magic 1.1

This package provides a full-featured binding to the C libmagic library. With it, you can determine the type of a file by examining its contents rather than its name. …

ghc-managed 1.0.6

In Haskell you very often acquire values using the with... idiom using functions of type (a -> IO r) -> IO r. This idiom forms a Monad, which is a…

ghc-markdown-unlit 0.5.0

This package allows you to have a that at the same time is a literate Haskell program. …


This Haskell library provides implementations of special mathematical functions and Chebyshev polynomials. These functions are often useful in statistical and numerical computing. …

ghc-megaparsec 7.0.5

This is an industrial-strength monadic parser combinator library. Megaparsec is a feature-rich package that strikes a nice balance between speed, flexibility, and quality of parse errors. …

ghc-memory 0.14.18

This package provides memory abstractions, such as chunk of memory, polymorphic byte array management and manipulation functions. It contains a polymorphic byte array abstraction and functions similar to strict ByteString, different type…

ghc-memotrie 0.6.9

This package provides a functional library for creating efficient memo functions using tries. …

ghc-microlens 0.4.10

This Haskell package provides a lens library, just like `ghc-lens', but smaller. It provides essential lenses and traversals (like `_1' and `_Just'), as well as ones which are simply nice to have…


This library provides law-abiding lenses for Aeson, using microlens. …

ghc-microlens-ghc 0.4.10

This library provides everything that `microlens' provides plus instances to make `each', `at', and `ix' usable with arrays, `ByteString', and containers. This package is a part of the microlens ( family; see the…


This package contains functions (like `view' or `+=') which work on `MonadReader', `MonadWriter', and `MonadState' from the mtl package. This package is a part of the microlens ( family; see the readme…

ghc-microlens-platform 0.3.11

This package exports a module which is the recommended starting point for using microlens ( if you aren't trying to keep your dependencies minimal. By importing `Lens.Micro.Platform' you get all functions and…


This Haskell package lets you automatically generate lenses for data types; code was extracted from the lens package, and therefore generated lenses are fully compatible with ones generated by lens (and can…


This library provides basic MIME type handling types and functions. …


MissingH is a library of all sorts of utility functions for Haskell programmers. It is written in pure Haskell and thus should be extremely portable and easy to use. …

ghc-mmap 0.5.9

This library provides a wrapper to `mmap', allowing files or devices to be lazily loaded into memory as strict or lazy `ByteStrings', `ForeignPtrs' or plain `Ptrs', using the virtual memory subsystem to…

ghc-mmorph 1.1.3

This library provides monad morphism utilities, most commonly used for manipulating monad transformer stacks. …

ghc-mockery 0.3.5

The mockery package provides support functions for automated testing. …


This package defines the type class `MonadBaseControl', a subset of `MonadBase' into which generic control operations such as `catch' can be lifted from `IO' or any other base monad. …

ghc-monad-logger 0.3.30

This Haskell package uses a monad transformer approach for logging. This package provides Template Haskell functions for determining source code locations of messages. …

ghc-monad-loops 0.4.3

This Haskell package provides some useful control operators for looping. …


The `Par' monad offers an API for parallel programming. The library works for parallelising both pure and `IO' computations, although only the pure version is deterministic. The default implementation provides…

ghc-monad-par-extras 0.3.3

This Haskell package provides additional data structures, and other added capabilities layered on top of the `Par' monad. …


This Haskell package provides support for computations which consume random values. …


Monad classes using type families, with instances for various monad transformers, inspired by the paper 'Functional Programming with Overloading and Higher-Order Polymorphism', by Mark P Jones. This package is almost a compatible…


This Haskell package provides Monomorphic variants of the Functor, Foldable, and Traversable typeclasses. If you understand Haskell's basic typeclasses, you understand mono-traversable. In addition to what you are used to,…

ghc-monoid-extras 0.5.1

This package provides various extra monoid-related definitions and utilities, such as monoid actions, monoid coproducts, semi-direct products, "deletable" monoids, "split" monoids, and "cut" monoids. …

ghc-mtl-compat 0.2.2

This package backports the Control.Monad.Except module from mtl (if using mtl- or earlier), which reexports the ExceptT monad transformer and the MonadError class. This package should only be used if there is a…

ghc-multipart 0.1.3

HTTP multipart split out of the cgi package, for Haskell. …


This package provides an implementation of MurmurHash2, a good, fast, general-purpose, non-cryptographic hashing function. See `' for details. This implementation is pure Haskell, so it might be a bit slower than…


This Haskell package contains code for generating high quality random numbers that follow either a uniform or normal distribution. The generated numbers are suitable for use in statistical applications. The uniform PRNG…

ghc-nanospec 0.2.2

Nanospec is a lightweight implementation of a subset of Hspec's API with minimal dependencies. …

ghc-nats 1.1.2

This library provides the natural numbers for Haskell. …

ghc-ncurses 0.2.16

GNU ncurses is a library for creating command-line application with pseudo-graphical interfaces. This package is a nice, modern binding to GNU ncurses. …


This package provides a low-level networking interface. …


This package provides Haskell bindings to the the POSIX network database (<netdb.h>) API. …


This library provides peek and poke functions for network byte order. …


This Haskell library provides simple read-only access to the local computer's networking configuration. It is currently capable of getting a list of all the network interfaces and their respective IPv4, IPv6…


This package provides an URI manipulation interface. In `network-2.6' the `Network.URI' module was split off from the `network' package into this package. …

ghc-newtype-generics 0.5.4

The `Newtype' typeclass represents the packing and unpacking of a newtype, and allows you to operate under that newtype with functions such as `ala'. Generics support was added in version 0.4,…

ghc-non-negative 0.1.2

This library provides a class for non-negative numbers, a wrapper which can turn any ordered numeric type into a member of that class, and a lazy number type for non-negative numbers (a…

ghc-nonce 1.0.7

A nonce is an arbitrary number used only once in a cryptographic communication. This package contain helper functions for generating nonces. There are many kinds of nonces used in different situations.…

ghc-numeric-extras 0.1

This library provides some useful tools from the C standard library. …


This tiny package contains the class ObjectName, which corresponds to the general notion of explicitly handled identifiers for API objects, e.g. a texture object name in OpenGL or a buffer object…


This package provides the ability to adapt to locale conventions such as date and time formats. …


Old-time is a package for backwards compatibility with the old `time' library. For new projects, the newer time library ( is recommended. …


This package provides Haskell bindings for the OpenGL graphics system (GL, version 4.5) and its accompanying utility library (GLU, version 1.3). …


OpenGLRaw is a raw Haskell binding for the OpenGL 4.5 graphics system and lots of OpenGL extensions. It is basically a 1:1 mapping of OpenGL's C API, intended as a basis…


This library contains io-streams routines for secure networking using OpenSSL (by way of HsOpenSSL). …


This library makes it easy to implement monads with tricky control flow. This is useful for: writing web applications in a sequential style, programming games with a uniform interface for human…

ghc-optional-args 1.0.2

This library provides a type for specifying `Optional' function arguments. …


The `options' package lets library and application developers easily work with command-line options. …


This package provides utilities and combinators for parsing command line options in Haskell. …

ghc-pandoc 2.7.3

Pandoc is a Haskell library for converting from one markup format to another, and a command-line tool that uses this library. It can read and write Markdown and (subsets of) other…

ghc-pandoc-citeproc 0.16.2

The `pandoc-citeproc' library exports functions for using the citeproc system with pandoc. It relies on `citeproc-hs', a library for rendering bibliographic reference citations into a variety of styles using a macro…


This module defines the `Pandoc' data structure, which is used by pandoc to represent structured documents. It also provides functions for building up, manipulating and serialising `Pandoc' structures. …


This package provides a library for parallel programming. …

ghc-parsec-numbers 0.1.0

This package provides the number parsers without the need to use a large (and unportable) token parser. …

ghc-parser-combinators 1.1.0

This is a lightweight package providing commonly useful parser combinators. …

ghc-parsers 0.12.10

This library provides convenient combinators for working with and building parsing combinator libraries. Given a few simple instances, you get access to a large number of canned definitions. Instances exist…

ghc-path 0.6.1

This package introduces a type for paths upholding useful invariants. …

ghc-path-io 1.4.2

This package provides an interface to the `directory' package for users of `path'. It also implements some missing stuff like recursive scanning and copying of directories, working with temporary files/directories, and…

ghc-path-pieces 0.2.1

This Haskell package provides two typeclasses for converting Haskell data types to and from route pieces. …


Knowledge of GHC's installation directories. …

ghc-patience 0.3

This library implements the 'patience diff' algorithm, as well as the patience algorithm for the longest increasing subsequence problem. Patience diff computes the difference between two lists, for example the lines…

ghc-pattern-arrows 0.0.2

A library for generating concise pretty printers based on precedence rules. …


This package provides a small, efficient, and portable regex library for Perl 5 compatible regular expressions. The PCRE library is a set of functions that implement regular expression pattern matching using…

ghc-pem 0.2.4

This library provides readers and writers for the "Privacy Enhanced Mail" (PEM) format. …

ghc-persistent 2.10.4

This Haskell package allows Haskell programs to access data storage systems like PostgreSQL, SQLite, MySQL and MongoDB in a type-safe way. …


This Haskell package includes a thin sqlite3 wrapper based on the direct-sqlite package, as well as the entire C library, so there are no system dependencies. …

ghc-persistent-template 2.8.0

This Haskell package provides interfaces and helper functions for the ghc-persistent package. …


This is only for use in developing libraries that should conform to the persistent interface, not for users of the persistent suite of database libraries. …


The PGP Word List consists of two phonetic alphabets, each with one word per possible byte value. A string of bytes is translated with these alphabets, alternating between them at each…

ghc-pipes 4.3.13

A clean and powerful stream processing library that lets you build and connect reusable streaming components. Advantages over traditional streaming libraries: * Concise API: Use simple commands like…

ghc-pointedlist 0.6.1

A PointedList tracks the position in a non-empty list which works similarly to a zipper. A current item is always required, and therefore the list may never be empty. A…

ghc-polyparse 1.12.1

This package provides a variety of alternative parser combinator libraries, including the original HuttonMeijer set. The Poly sets have features like good error reporting, arbitrary token type, running state, lazy parsing,…


This package provides a fast, reliable priority queue implementation based on a binomial heap. …


This library provides higher order versions of `Prelude' classes to ease programming with polymorphic recursion and reduce `UndecidableInstances'. …

ghc-pretty-hex 1.0

This Haskell library generates pretty hex dumps of ByteStrings in the style of other common *nix hex dump tools. …

ghc-pretty-show 1.9.5

This package provides a library and an executable for working with derived `Show' instances. By using the library, derived `Show' instances can be parsed into a generic data structure. The…


Pretty-simple is a pretty printer for Haskell data types that have a Show instance. …


This package provides a pretty printing class similar to `Show', based on the HughesPJ pretty printing library. It provides the pretty printing class and instances for the Prelude types. …

ghc-prettyprinter 1.6.1

A prettyprinter/text rendering engine. Easy to use, well-documented, ANSI terminal backend exists, HTML backend is trivial to implement, no name clashes, `Text'-based, extensible. …


A prettyprinter/text rendering engine. Easy to use, well-documented, ANSI terminal backend exists, HTML backend is trivial to implement, no name clashes, `Text'-based, extensible. …


ANSI terminal backend for the prettyprinter package. …


This package provides various primitive memory-related operations. …

ghc-process-extras 0.7.4

This package extends `'. It allows you to read process input and output as ByteStrings or Text, or write your own ProcessOutput instance. It also provides lazy process input and…

ghc-profunctors 5.3

This library provides profunctors for Haskell. …


Haskell library for both generating and consuming project templates. ost IDEs provide the concept of a project template: instead of writing all of the code for a project from scratch, you select…

ghc-protolude 0.2.3

Protolude gives you sensible defaults for writing custom Preludes to replace the standard one provided by GHC. …


A "priority search queue" efficiently supports the operations of both a search tree and a priority queue. A `Binding' is a product of a key and a priority. Bindings can be…

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