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ruby-autoprefixer-rails 9.4.7

This gem provides Ruby and Ruby on Rails integration with Autoprefixer, which can parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from the Can I Use website. …

ruby-backport 1.1.2

This package provides a pure Ruby library for event-driven IO. …

ruby-backports 3.11.4

Backports enables more compatibility across Ruby versions by providing backports of some features. …

ruby-bacon 1.2.0

Bacon is a small RSpec clone providing all essential features. …

ruby-bacon-bits 0.1.0

This extends the bacon testing framework with useful extensions to disable tests, have before and after blocks that run once and more. …

ruby-bacon-colored-output 1.1.1

This package adds color through ANSI escape codes to Bacon test output. …

ruby-benchmark-ips 2.8.2

Benchmark-ips enhances the Ruby Benchmark module with the iterations per second count. For short snippets of code, it can automatically figure out how many times to run the code to get…

ruby-bindex 0.5.0

`bindex' provides a way to access the bindings that relate to exceptions in Ruby, providing more information about the context in which the exception occurred. …

ruby-binding-of-caller 0.8.0

The `binding_of_caller' module provides the `Binding#of_caller' method. It allows accessing bindings from upper frames in the call stack and can evaluate code in that context. …

ruby-bio-commandeer 0.4.0

Bio-commandeer provides an opinionated method of running shell commands from within Ruby. The advantage of bio-commandeer over other methods of running external commands is that when something goes wrong, messages printed…

ruby-bio-kseq 0.0.2

`Bio::Kseq' provides ruby bindings to the `kseq.h' FASTA and FASTQ parsing code. It provides a fast iterator over sequences and their quality scores. …

ruby-bio-logger 1.0.1

Bio-logger is a wrapper around Log4r adding extra logging features such as filtering and fine grained logging. …

ruby-blankslate 3.1.3

BlankSlate provides an abstract base class with no predefined methods (except for `__send__' and `__id__'). BlankSlate is useful as a base class when writing classes that depend upon `method_missing' (e.g. …

ruby-bond 0.5.1

Bond can autocomplete argument(s) to methods, uniquely completing per module, per method and per argument. Bond provides a configuration system and a DSL for creating custom completions and completion rules. …

ruby-brass 1.2.1

BRASS (Bare-Metal Ruby Assertion System Standard) is a basic foundational assertions framework for other assertion and test frameworks to make use of. …

ruby-builder 3.2.3

Builder provides a number of builder objects that make it easy to create structured data. Currently the following builder objects are supported: XML Markup and XML Events. …

ruby-bump 0.7.0

Bump provides commands to manage Rubygem versioning, updating to the next patch version for example. …

ruby-byebug 9.0.6

Byebug is a Ruby 2 debugger implemented using the Ruby 2 TracePoint C API for execution control and the Debug Inspector C API for call stack navigation. The core component provides…

ruby-byebug 11.1.3

Byebug is a Ruby 2 debugger implemented using the Ruby 2 TracePoint C API for execution control and the Debug Inspector C API for call stack navigation. The core component provides…

ruby-cane 3.0.0

Cane fails your build if code quality thresholds are not met. …

ruby-chandler 0.9.0

Chandler syncs a project's CHANGELOG file entries to GitHub's release notes to remove the need of manually entering release notes. …

ruby-character-set 1.4.0

CharacterSet is a C-extended Ruby library to work with sets of Unicode code points. It can read and write these sets in various formats and implements the `stdlib' `Set' interface for…

ruby-childprocess 3.0.0

`childprocess' provides a gem to control external programs running in the background, in Ruby. …

ruby-chunky-png 1.3.12

ChunkyPNG is a pure Ruby library that can read and write Portable Network Graphics (PNG) images without depending on an external image library. It tries to be memory efficient and reasonably…

ruby-ci-reporter 2.0.0

`CI::Reporter' is an add-on to Ruby testing frameworks that allows you to generate XML reports of your test runs. The resulting files can be read by a continuous integration system that…

ruby-clap 1.0.0

Clap provides command line argument parsing features. It covers the simple case of executing code based on the flags or parameters passed. …

ruby-cliver 0.3.2

`cliver' provides a way to detect missing command-line dependencies, including versions. …

ruby-code-statistics 0.2.13

This gem is a port of the rails 'rake stats' method so it can be made more robust and work for non rails projects. …

ruby-coderay 1.1.2

Coderay is a Ruby library that provides syntax highlighting for select languages. …

ruby-colorator 1.1.0

Colorator is a Ruby gem that helps you colorize your text for the terminal. …

ruby-colorize 0.8.1

This package extends the `String' class and adds a `ColorizedString' with methods to set text color, background color, and text effects. …

ruby-command-line-reporter 3.3.6

This gem provides a DSL that makes it easy to write reports of various types in ruby. It eliminates the need to litter your source with puts statements, instead providing a…

ruby-command-line-reporter 4.0.1

This gem provides a DSL that makes it easy to write reports of various types in ruby. It eliminates the need to litter your source with puts statements, instead providing a…

ruby-commander 4.4.7

Commander aims to be a complete solution for Ruby command-line executables. Commander bridges the gap between other terminal related libraries (OptionParser, HighLine), while providing many new features, and an elegant API. …

ruby-concurrent 1.1.5

This library provides modern concurrency tools including agents, futures, promises, thread pools, actors, supervisors, and more. It is inspired by Erlang, Clojure, Go, JavaScript, actors and classic concurrency patterns. …

ruby-connection-pool 2.2.2

Connection_pool provides a generic connection pooling interface for Ruby programs. …

ruby-contest 0.1.3

Contest allows writing declarative `Test::Unit' tests using nested contexts without performance penalties. …

ruby-contracts 0.16.0

This library provides contracts for Ruby. A contract describes the correct inputs and output for a method, and will raise an error if a incorrect value is found. …

ruby-coveralls 0.8.23

This package provides a Ruby implementation of the Coveralls API. …

ruby-crack 0.4.3

`crack' provides really simple JSON and XML parsing, extracted from code in Merb and Rails. …

ruby-crass 1.0.6

Crass is a pure Ruby CSS parser based on the CSS Syntax Level 3 spec. …

ruby-creole 0.5.0

Creole is a lightweight markup language and this library for converting creole to `HTML'. …

ruby-css-parser 1.7.1

This package allows loading, parsing and cascading Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) rule sets in Ruby. …

ruby-cucumber 4.1.0

Cucumber is a tool for running automated tests written in plain language. It's designed to support a Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) software development workflow. …

ruby-cucumber-core 7.1.0

Cucumber is a tool for running automated tests written in plain language. Because they're written in plain language, they can be read by anyone on your team. Because they can be…

ruby-cucumber-create-meta 1.0.0

The `createMeta' utility function allows generating system-specific `Meta' messages for Cucumber Ruby. …

ruby-cucumber-expressions 10.2.0

Cucumber Expressions offer similar functionality to Regular Expressions, with a syntax that is easier to read and write. Cucumber Expressions are extensible with parameter types. …

ruby-cucumber-html-formatter 7.0.0

Cucumber HTML Formatter produces a HTML report for Cucumber runs. It is built on top of cucumber-react and works with any Cucumber implementation with a protocol buffer formatter that outputs Cucumber…

ruby-cucumber-messages 12.2.0

Cucumber Messages for Ruby is a library which allows serialization and deserialization of the protocol buffer messages used in Cucumber. …

ruby-cucumber-tag-expressions 3.0.0

Cucumber tag expression parser for Ruby. A tag expression is an infix boolean expression used by Cucumber. …

ruby-cucumber-wire 3.1.0

Cucumber's wire protocol allows step definitions to be implemented and invoked on any platform. …

ruby-cuke-modeler 3.1.0

CukeModeler facilitates modeling a test suite that is written in Gherkin (e.g. Cucumber, SpecFlow, Lettuce, etc.). It does this by providing an abstraction layer on top of the Abstract Syntax Tree…

ruby-cutest 1.2.2

Cutest runs tests in separate processes to avoid shared state. …

ruby-czmq-ffi-gen 0.13.0

These Ruby bindings are not intended to be directly used, but rather used by higher level bindings like those provided by CZTop. …

ruby-cztop 0.12.2

CZMQ Ruby bindings, based on the generated low-level FFI bindings of CZMQ. The focus of of CZTop is on being easy to use and providing first class support for security mechanisms. …

ruby-daemons 1.2.5

Daemons provides a way to wrap existing Ruby scripts to be run as a daemon and to be controlled by simple start/stop/restart commands. …

ruby-data_uri 0.1.0

Data URI (universal resource idenfitier)s allow resources to be embedded inside a URI. The URI::Data class provides support for parsing these URIs using the normal URI.parse method. …

ruby-debug-inspector 0.0.3

This package provides a Ruby wrapper for the MRI 2.0 debug_inspector API. …

ruby-deep-merge 1.2.1

Deep Merge is a set of utility functions for `Hash'. It permits you to merge elements inside a hash together recursively. …

ruby-dep 1.5.0

This package helps create a version constraint of supported Rubies, suitable for a gemspec file. …

ruby-diff-lcs 1.3

Diff::LCS computes the difference between two Enumerable sequences using the McIlroy-Hunt longest common subsequence (LCS) algorithm. It includes utilities to create a simple HTML diff output format and a standard diff-like…

ruby-diffy 3.2.1

Diffy provides a convenient way to generate a diff from two strings or files. …

ruby-docile 1.1.5

Docile is a Ruby library that provides an interface for creating embedded domain specific languages (EDSLs) that manipulate existing Ruby classes. …

ruby-domain-name 0.5.20180417

`domain_name' is a Domain name manipulation library. It parses a domain name ready for extracting the registered domain and TLD (Top Level Domain). It can also be used for cookie…

ruby-em-websocket 0.5.1

Em-websocket is an EventMachine based WebSocket server implementation. …

ruby-erubi 1.8.0

Erubi is a ERB template engine for Ruby. It is a simplified fork of Erubis …

ruby-erubis 2.7.0

Erubis is a fast implementation of embedded Ruby (eRuby) with several features such as multi-language support, auto escaping, auto trimming spaces around `<% %>', a changeable embedded pattern, and Ruby on Rails…

ruby-eventmachine 1.2.7

EventMachine implements a single-threaded engine for arbitrary network communications. EventMachine wraps all interactions with sockets, allowing programs to concentrate on the implementation of network protocols. It can be used to create…

ruby-execjs 2.7.0

ExecJS lets you run JavaScript code from Ruby. It automatically picks a runtime to evaluate your JavaScript program, then returns the result to you as a Ruby object. …

ruby-fakefs 1.2.2

This package provides a fake file system for use in test suites. It avoids the need for manually creating temporary directories, or dealing with platform intricacies in `File' and `FileUtils'. …

ruby-faraday 0.15.4

Faraday is a HTTP/REST API client library which provides a common interface over different adapters. …

ruby-fast-gettext 2.0.3

This package provides an alternative implementation of the Ruby `GetText' library that is approximately 12x faster yet thread safe. …

ruby-ffi 1.12.2

Ruby-FFI is a Ruby extension for programmatically loading dynamic libraries, binding functions within them, and calling those functions from Ruby code. Moreover, a Ruby-FFI extension works without changes on Ruby and JRuby. …

ruby-ffi-rzmq 2.0.7

This library provides a high-level API that wraps the ZeroMQ networking library using the Ruby foreign function interface (FFI). It is a pure Ruby wrapper, hence is compatible with any Ruby…

ruby-ffi-rzmq-core 1.0.7

This library only provides the FFI wrapper for the ZeroMQ networking library. It can be used to implement a Ruby API for the ZeroMQ library. …

ruby-fivemat 1.3.7

Fivemat is a MiniTest/RSpec/Cucumber formatter that gives each test file its own line of dots during testing. It aims to provide test output that is neither too verbose nor too minimal. …

ruby-forking-test-runner 1.6.0

This package is a wrapper around `parallel_tests' that runs every test in a fork to avoid pollution and get clean output per test. …

ruby-formatador 0.2.5

Formatador is a Ruby library to format text printed to the standard output stream. …

ruby-forwardable-extended 2.6.0

Forwardable Extended provides more `Forwardable' methods for your source as `Forwardable::Extended'. …

ruby-fuubar 2.3.2

Fuubar is an RSpec formatter that uses a progress bar instead of a string of letters and dots as feedback. It also stops on the first test failure. …

ruby-gem-hadar 1.9.1

This library contains some useful functionality to support the development of Ruby gems. …

ruby-gettext 3.1.7

Gettext is a GNU gettext-like program for Ruby. The catalog file (po-file) used is the same as that used by GNU gettext, allowing you to use GNU gettext tools for maintenance. …

ruby-gherkin 14.0.1

Gherkin is a parser and compiler for the Gherkin language. It is intended be used by all Cucumber implementations to parse `.feature' files. …

ruby-gherkin-ruby 0.3.2

Gherkin-ruby is a Gherkin parser written in pure Ruby and less than 200 lines of code. …

ruby-gimme 0.5.0-1.4e71f02

Gimme is a very lightweight test double library for Ruby, based on Mockito (a mocking framework for Java). It is an opinionated (but not noisy) means to facilitate test-driving by enabling…

ruby-git 1.3.0

Ruby/Git is a Ruby library that can be used to create, read and manipulate Git repositories by wrapping system calls to the git binary. …

ruby-given-core 3.8.0

Given_core is the basic functionality behind rspec-given and minitest-given, extensions that allow the use of Given/When/Then terminology when defining specifications. …

ruby-globalid 0.4.2

`GlobalID' provides a way to generate URIs from a model in Ruby that uniquely identify it. …

ruby-guard 2.13.0

Guard is a command line tool to easily handle events on file system modifications. Guard automates various tasks by running custom rules whenever file or directories are modified. …

ruby-haml 5.0.4

Haml (HTML Abstraction Markup Language) is a layer on top of HTML or XML that is designed to express the structure of documents using indentation rather than closing tags. It was…

ruby-hamster 3.0.0

Hamster provides 6 persistent data structures: `Hash', `Vector', `Set', `SortedSet', `List', and `Deque' (which works as an immutable queue or stack). …

ruby-hashdiff 0.3.8

HashDiff is a Ruby library to compute the smallest difference between two hashes. …

ruby-hashery 2.1.2

The Hashery is a tight collection of `Hash'-like classes. Included are the auto-sorting `Dictionary' class, the efficient `LRUHash', the flexible `OpenHash' and the convenient `KeyHash'. Nearly every class is a…

ruby-hashie 3.6.0

Hashie is a collection of classes and mixins that make Ruby hashes more powerful. …

ruby-heredoc-unindent 1.2.0

This gem removes common margin from indented strings, such as the ones produced by indented heredocs. In other words, it strips out leading whitespace chars at the beginning of each line,…

ruby-highline 2.0.1

HighLine provides a high-level IO library that provides validation, type conversion, and more for command-line interfaces. HighLine also includes a menu system for providing multiple options to the user. …

ruby-hocon 1.3.1

This package provides Ruby support for the HOCON (Human-Optimized Config Object Notation) configuration file format. It supports parsing and modifying HOCON and JSON files, and rendering parsed objects back to a…

ruby-hoe 3.21.0

Hoe is a rake/rubygems helper for project Rakefiles. It helps manage, maintain, and release projects and includes a dynamic plug-in system allowing for easy extensibility. Hoe ships with plug-ins for…

ruby-hoe-git 1.6.0

This package provides a set of Hoe plugins for tighter Git integration. It provides tasks to automate release tagging and pushing and changelog generation. …

ruby-htmlentities 4.3.4

This package provides a module for encoding and decoding (X)HTML entities. …

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