Packages — R (Page 15 of 32)

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r-wgcna 1.69

This package provides functions necessary to perform Weighted Correlation Network Analysis on high-dimensional data. It includes functions for rudimentary data cleaning, construction and summarization of correlation networks, module identification and functions for…

r-whisker 0.4

This package provides logicless templating, with a syntax that is not limited to R. …

r-widgettools 1.66.0

This package contains tools to support the construction of tcltk widgets in R. …

r-wiggleplotr 1.12.1

This package provides tools to visualize read coverage from sequencing experiments together with genomic annotations (genes, transcripts, peaks). Introns of long transcripts can be rescaled to a fixed length for better visualization of…

r-withr 2.2.0

This package provides a set of functions to run R code in an environment in which global state has been temporarily modified. Many of these functions were originally a part of…

r-wmtsa 2.0-3

This package provides software to accompany the book "Wavelet Methods for Time Series Analysis", Donald B. Percival and Andrew T. Walden, Cambridge University Press, 2000. …

r-wordcloud 2.6

This package provides functionality to create pretty word clouds, visualize differences and similarity between documents, and avoid over-plotting in scatter plots with text. …

r-wrench 1.6.0

Wrench is a package for normalization sparse genomic count data, like that arising from 16s metagenomic surveys. …

r-writexl 1.3

This package provides a data frame to xlsx exporter based on libxlsxwriter. …

r-xbioc 0.1.16-1.6ff0670

This package provides extra utility functions to perform common tasks in the analysis of omics data, leveraging and enhancing features provided by Bioconductor packages. …

r-xbseq 1.20.0

XBSeq is a novel algorithm for testing RNA-seq "differential expression" (DE), where a statistical model was established based on the assumption that observed signals are the convolution of true expression signals and…

r-xcms 3.10.1

This package provides a framework for processing and visualization of chromatographically separated and single-spectra mass spectral data. It imports from AIA/ANDI NetCDF, mzXML, mzData and mzML files. It preprocesses data…

r-xfun 0.16

This package provides miscellaneous functions commonly used in other packages maintained by Yihui Xie. …


This package provides an R interface to Extreme Gradient Boosting, which is an efficient implementation of the gradient boosting framework from Chen and Guestrin (2016). The package includes efficient linear model…

r-xkcd 0.0.6

This package provides the means to plot ggplot2 graphs in the style of the XKCD web comic. …

r-xmisc 0.2.1

This package provides Xiaobei's miscellaneous classes and functions, which are useful when developing R packages for "object oriented programming" (OOP) using R Reference Class. …

r-xml 3.99-0.5

Many approaches for both reading and creating XML (and HTML) documents (including DTDs), both local and accessible via HTTP or FTP. Also offers access to an XPath "interpreter". …

r-xml2 1.3.2

This package provides a simple, consistent interface to working with XML files in R. It is built on top of the libxml2 C library. …

r-xmlparsedata 1.0.3

This package provides tools to convert the output of `utils::getParseData()' to an `XML' tree, that one can search via `XPath', and is easier to manipulate in general. …

r-xnomial 1.0.4

This package provides an exact Goodness-of-Fit test for multinomial data with fixed probabilities. It can be used to determine whether a set of counts fits a given expected ratio. To…

r-xopen 1.0.0

This package provides a cross-platform solution to open files, directories or URLs with their associated programs. …

r-xtable 1.8-4

This package provides tools to export R data as LaTeX and HTML tables. …

r-xts 0.12-0

This package provides for uniform handling of R's different time-based data classes by extending `zoo', maximizing native format information preservation and allowing for user-level customization and extension, while simplifying cross-class interoperability. …

r-xvector 0.28.0

This package provides memory efficient S4 classes for storing sequences "externally" (behind an R external pointer, or on disk). …

r-xyz 0.2

High dimensional interaction search by brute force requires a quadratic computational cost in the number of variables. The xyz algorithm provably finds strong interactions in almost linear time. For details…

r-yaml 2.2.1

This package implements the libyaml YAML 1.1 parser and emitter ( for R. …

r-yamss 1.14.0

This package provides tools to analyze and visualize high-throughput metabolomics data acquired using chromatography-mass spectrometry. These tools preprocess data in a way that enables reliable and powerful differential analysis. …

r-yapsa 1.14.0

This package provides functions and routines useful in the analysis of somatic signatures (cf. L. Alexandrov et al., Nature 2013). In particular, functions to perform a signature analysis with…

r-yaqcaffy 1.48.0

This is a package that can be used for quality control of Affymetrix GeneChip expression data and reproducibility analysis of human whole genome chips with the MAQC reference datasets. …

r-yarn 1.14.0

Expedite large RNA-Seq analyses using a combination of previously developed tools. YARN is meant to make it easier for the user in performing basic mis-annotation quality control, filtering, and condition-aware normalization. YARN…

r-zeallot 0.1.0

This package provides a `%<-%' operator to perform multiple, unpacking, and destructuring assignment in R. The operator unpacks the right-hand side of an assignment into multiple values and assigns these values…

r-zfpkm 1.10.0

This is a package to perform the zFPKM transform on RNA-seq FPKM data. This algorithm is based on the publication by Hart et al., 2013 (Pubmed ID 24215113). …

r-zim 1.1.0

Analyze count time series with excess zeros. Two types of statistical models are supported: Markov regression and state-space models. They are also known as observation-driven and parameter-driven models respectively in…

r-zip 2.1.0

This package provides a cross-platform Zip compression library for R. It is a replacement for the `zip' function, that does not require any additional external tools on any platform. …

r-zlibbioc 1.34.0

This package uses the source code of zlib-1.2.5 to create libraries for systems that do not have these available via other means. …

r-zoo 1.8-8

This package contains an S3 class with methods for totally ordered indexed observations. It is particularly aimed at irregular time series of numeric vectors/matrices and factors. …

r-zseq 0.2.0

This package generates well-known integer sequences. The `gmp' package is adopted for computing with arbitrarily large numbers. Every function has a hyperlink to its corresponding item in the "On-Line Encyclopedia…

r-ztable 0.2.0

This package provides functions to make zebra-striped tables (tables with alternating row colors) in LaTeX and HTML formats easily from `data.frame', `matrix', `lm', `aov', `anova', `glm', `coxph', `nls', `fitdistr', `mytable' and `cbind.mytable' objects. …

r-ztype 0.1.0

How fast can you type R functions on your keyboard? Find out by running a `' game: export R functions as instructions to type to destroy opponents' vessels. …

r-zvcv 2.1.0

"Zero-variance control variates" (ZV-CV) is a post-processing method to reduce the variance of Monte Carlo estimators of expectations using the derivatives of the log target. Once the derivatives are available, the…

r-zyp 0.10-1.1

This package contains an efficient implementation of Sen's slope method (Sen, 1968) plus implementation of Xuebin Zhang's (Zhang, 1999) and Yue-Pilon's (Yue, 2002) pre-whitening approaches to determining trends in climate data. …

racket 7.8

Racket is an implementation of the Scheme programming language (R5RS and R6RS) and related languages, such as Typed Racket. It features a compiler and a virtual machine with just-in-time native compilation,…

racket-minimal 7.8

Racket is an implementation of the Scheme programming language (R5RS and R6RS) and related languages, such as Typed Racket. It features a compiler and a virtual machine with just-in-time native compilation,…

radare2 4.4.0

Radare2 is a complete framework for reverse-engineering, debugging, and analyzing binaries. It is composed of a set of small utilities that can be used together or independently from the command line. Radare2…

radeontop 1.2

RadeonTop monitors resource consumption on supported AMD Radeon Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), either in real time as bar graphs on a terminal or saved to a file for further processing. It…

radicale 1.1.6

Radicale is a CalDAV and CardDAV server for UNIX-like platforms. Calendars and address books are available for both local and remote access, possibly limited through authentication policies. They can be…

rage 0.3.1

Rage is a video and audio player written with Enlightenment Foundation Libraries with some extra bells and whistles. …

ragel 6.10

Ragel compiles executable finite state machines from regular languages. Ragel targets C, C++, Obj-C, C#, D, Java, Go and Ruby. Ragel state machines can not only recognize byte sequences as…

raincat 1.2.1

Project Raincat is a game developed by Carnegie Mellon students through GCS during the Fall 2008 semester. Raincat features game play inspired from classics Lemmings and The Incredible Machine. The…

rakarrack 0.6.1

Rakarrack is a richly featured multi-effects processor emulating a guitar effects pedalboard. Effects include compressor, expander, noise gate, equalizers, exciter, flangers, chorus, various delay and reverb effects, distortion modules and many more.…

rakudo 2019.03.1

Rakudo Perl is a compiler that implements the Perl 6 specification and runs on top of several virtual machines. …

randomjungle 2.1.0

Random Jungle is an implementation of Random Forests. It is supposed to analyse high dimensional data. In genetics, it can be used for analysing big Genome Wide Association (GWA) data.…

ranger 1.9.3

ranger is a console file manager with Vi key bindings. It provides a minimalistic and nice curses interface with a view on the directory hierarchy. It ships with `rifle', a file…

rapicorn 16.0.0

Rapicorn is a toolkit for rapid development of user interfaces in C++ and Python. The user interface is designed in a declarative markup language and is connected to the programming logic…

rapid-photo-downloader 0.9.18

Import photos and videos from cameras, phones and memory cards and generate meaningful file and folder names. …

rapidjson 1.1.0

RapidJSON is a fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API. …

raptor2 2.0.15

Raptor is a C library providing a set of parsers and serialisers that generate Resource Description Framework (RDF) triples by parsing syntaxes or serialise the triples into a syntax. The supported…

rasqal 0.9.33

Rasqal is a C library that handles Resource Description Framework (RDF) query language syntaxes, query construction and execution of queries returning results as bindings, boolean, RDF graphs/triples or syntaxes. The supported…

ratpoints 2.1.3

Ratpoints tries to find all rational points within a given height bound on a hyperelliptic curve in a very efficient way, by using an optimized quadratic sieve algorithm. …

ratpoison 1.4.9

Ratpoison is a simple window manager with no fat library dependencies, no fancy graphics, no window decorations, and no rodent dependence. It is largely modelled after GNU Screen which has done…

raul 0.8.9-1.4db870b2b

Raul (Real-time Audio Utility Library) is a C++ utility library primarily aimed at audio/musical applications. …

raul 0.8.0

Raul (Real-time Audio Utility Library) is a C++ utility library primarily aimed at audio/musical applications. …

rav1e 0.3.3

The fastest and safest AV1 encoder. …

rawdog 2.23

`rawdog' is a feed aggregator, capable of producing a personal "river of news" or a public "planet" page. It supports all common feed formats, including all versions of RSS and Atom. …

rawtherapee 5.8

RawTherapee is a raw image processing suite. It comprises a subset of image editing operations specifically aimed at non-destructive raw photo post-production and is primarily focused on improving a photographer's workflow by…

raxml 8.2.12

RAxML is a tool for phylogenetic analysis and post-analysis of large phylogenies. …

rc 1.7.4

This is a reimplementation by Byron Rakitzis of the Plan 9 shell. It has a small feature set similar to a traditional Bourne shell. …

rcas-web 0.1.0

This package provides a simple web interface for the "RNA-centric annotation system" (RCAS). …

rclone 1.52.2

`Rclone' is a command line program to sync files and directories to and from different cloud storage providers. Features include: * MD5/SHA1 hashes checked at all times for file integrity …

rcm 1.3.3

The rcm suite of tools is for managing dotfiles directories. This is a directory containing all the `.*rc' files in your home directory (`.zshrc', `.vimrc', and so on). These files…

rcs 5.9.4

RCS is the original Revision Control System. It works on a file-by-file basis, in contrast to subsequent version control systems such as CVS, Subversion, and Git. This can make it…

rct 0.0.0-2.b3e6f41

Rct is a set of C++ tools that provide nicer (more Qt-like) APIs on top of Standard Template Library ("STL") classes. …

rdesktop 1.9.0

rdesktop is a client for Microsoft's Windows Remote Desktop Services, capable of natively speaking Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). It allows users to remotely control a user's Windows desktop. …

rdiff-backup 2.0.5

Rdiff-backup backs up one directory to another, possibly over a network. The target directory ends up a copy of the source directory, but extra reverse diffs are stored in a special…

rdma-core 26.0

This package provides userspace components for the InfiniBand subsystem of the Linux kernel. Specifically it contains userspace libraries for the following device nodes: 1. `/dev/infiniband/uverbsX' (`libibverbs') 2. `/dev/infiniband/rdma_cm' (`librdmacm') …

rdmd 2.077.1

rdmd is a companion to the dmd compiler that simplifies the typical edit-compile-link-run or edit-make-run cycle to a rapid edit-run cycle. Like make and other tools, rdmd uses the relative dates…

rdup 1.1.15

Rdup is a utility inspired by rsync and the plan9 way of doing backups. Rdup itself does not backup anything, it only print a list of absolute file names to standard…

re2 2020-07-06

RE2 is a fast, safe, thread-friendly alternative to backtracking regular expression engines like those used in PCRE, Perl and Python. It is a C++ library. …

re2c 1.2.1

`re2c' generates minimalistic hard-coded state machine (as opposed to full-featured table-based lexers). Flexible API allows generated code to be wired into virtually any environment. Instead of exposing traditional `yylex()' style API,…

readline 8.0.4

The GNU readline library allows users to edit command lines as they are typed in. It can maintain a searchable history of previously entered commands, letting you easily recall, edit and…

readline 6.2

The GNU readline library allows users to edit command lines as they are typed in. It can maintain a searchable history of previously entered commands, letting you easily recall, edit and…

readline 7.0.5

The GNU readline library allows users to edit command lines as they are typed in. It can maintain a searchable history of previously entered commands, letting you easily recall, edit and…

readosm 1.1.0a

ReadOSM is a library to extract valid data from within an OpenStreetMap input file (in `.osm' or `.osm.pbf' format). …

readymedia 1.2.1

ReadyMedia (formerly known as MiniDLNA) is a simple media server, which serves multimedia content to compatible clients on the network. It aims to be fully compliant with DLNA and UPnP-AV standards. …

reaver 1.6.6

Reaver performs a brute force attack against an access point's Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) PIN. Once the PIN is found, the WPA passphrase can be recovered and the AP's wireless settings…

recode 3.7.6

The Recode library converts files between character sets and usages. It recognises or produces over 200 different character sets (or about 300 if combined with an iconv library) and transliterates files…


recordMyDesktop is a command-line tool that captures the activity in your graphical desktop and encodes it as a video. This is a useful tool for making "screencasts". …

recutils 1.8

GNU Recutils is a set of tools and libraries for creating and manipulating text-based, human-editable databases. Despite being text-based, databases created with Recutils carry all of the expected features such as…

red-eclipse 2.0.0

Red Eclipse is an arena shooter, created from the Cube2 engine. Offering an innovative parkour system and distinct but all potent weapons, Red Eclipse provides fast paced and accessible gameplay. …

redis 5.0.7

Redis is an advanced key-value cache and store. Redis supports many data structures including strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets, bitmaps and hyperloglogs. …

redkite 0.8.1

Redkite is a small GUI toolkit developed in C++17 and inspired from other well known GUI toolkits such as Qt and GTK. It is minimal on purpose and is intended to…

redland 1.0.17

The Redland RDF Library (librdf) provides the RDF API and triple stores. …

rednotebook 2.11.1

RedNotebook is a modern desktop journal. It lets you format, tag and search your entries. You can also add pictures, links and customizable templates, spell check your notes, and export…

redsea 0.18

redsea is a lightweight command-line "FM Radio Data System" (FM-RDS) decoder. Redsea can be used with any RTL-SDR USB radio stick with the rtl_fm tool, or any other "software-defined radio" (SDR) via…

redshift 1.12

Redshift adjusts the color temperature according to the position of the sun. A different color temperature is set during night and daytime. During twilight and early morning, the color temperature…

redshift-wayland 1.12-1.7da875d

Redshift adjusts the color temperature according to the position of the sun. A different color temperature is set during night and daytime. During twilight and early morning, the color temperature…

reducelcs 1.0-1.474f88d

`reduceLCS' is an implementation of the Reduce-Expand algorithm for LCS. It is a fast program to compute the approximate Longest Commons Subsequence of a set of strings. …

regrader 1.0.0

Regrader is a delay effect where the repeats degrade in resolution. This is an unofficial port of the Regrader plugin created by Igorski. It is available as an LV2 plugin…

remake 4.3-1.5

Remake is an enhanced version of GNU Make that adds improved error reporting, better tracing, profiling, and a debugger. …

remid-lv2 0.3

The 6581 SID chip is the sound chip used in the Commodore 64 computer. reMID is a MIDI implementation of the 6581 SID chip using the reSID library to provide…

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