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python2-urllib3 1.25.9

Urllib3 supports features left out of urllib and urllib2 libraries. It can reuse the same socket connection for multiple requests, it can POST files, supports url redirection and retries, and also…

python2-urwid 2.1.0

Urwid is a curses-based UI/widget library for Python. It includes many features useful for text console applications. …

python2-urwidtrees 1.0.2

Urwidtrees is a Widget Container API for the `urwid' toolkit. Use it to build trees of widgets. …

python2-user-agents 1.1.0

A library to identify devices (phones, tablets) and their capabilities by parsing (browser/HTTP) user agent strings. …

python2-utils 2.4.0

Python Utils is a collection of small Python functions and classes which make common patterns shorter and easier. …

python2-validate-email 1.3

`validate_email' can be used to verify if an email address is valid and really exists. …

python2-validators 0.14.2

This package contains validators for different things such as email addresses, IP addresses, URLs, hashes and more. It has been designed to be easy to use and not require defining a…

python2-validictory 1.0.1

It allows validation of arbitrary Python data structures. The schema format is based on the JSON Schema proposal (, so combined with json the library is also useful as a validator for…


Vcversioner is a Python library that inspects tagging information in a variety of version control systems in order to discover version numbers. …

python2-verboselogs 1.7

The `verboselogs' package extends Python's `logging' module to add the log levels NOTICE, SPAM, SUCCESS and VERBOSE. …

python2-virtualenv 20.0.10

Virtualenv is a tool to create isolated Python environments. …


Vobject is intended to be a full featured Python package for parsing and generating vCard and vCalendar files. Currently, iCalendar files are supported and well tested. vCard 3.0 files are…

python2-waf 2.0.19

Waf is a Python-based framework for configuring, compiling and installing applications. …

python2-waitress 1.1.0

Waitress is meant to be a production-quality pure-Python WSGI server with very acceptable performance. …

python2-warpedlmm 0.21

WarpedLMM is a Python implementation of the warped linear mixed model, which automatically learns an optimal warping function (or transformation) for the phenotype as it models the data. …

python2-wcwidth 0.1.8

Wcwidth measures the number of terminal column cells of wide-character codes. It is useful for those implementing a terminal emulator, or programs that carefully produce output to be interpreted by one.…

python2-weave 0.16.0

Weave is the stand-alone version of the obsolete Scipy submodule `scipy.weave'. It is Python 2.x only, and is provided for users that need new versions of Scipy but have existing code that…

python2-webencodings 0.5.1

In order to be compatible with legacy web content when interpreting something like `Content-Type: text/html; charset=latin1', tools need to use a particular set of aliases for encoding labels as well as some…

python2-webob 1.8.6

WebOb provides wrappers around the WSGI request environment, and an object to help create WSGI responses. …

python2-websocket-client 0.54.0

The Websocket-client module provides the low level APIs for WebSocket usage in Python programs. …

python2-webtest 2.0.33

Webtest allows you to test your Python web applications without starting an HTTP server. It supports anything that supports the minimum of WSGI. …

python2-werkzeug 1.0.0

One of the most advanced WSGI utility modules. It includes a powerful debugger, full-featured request and response objects, HTTP utilities to handle entity tags, cache control headers, HTTP dates, cookie handling,…

python2-whatever 0.6

`whatever' provides an easy way to make anonymous functions by partial application of operators. …

python2-wheel 0.33.6

A wheel is a ZIP-format archive with a specially formatted filename and the `.whl' extension. It is designed to contain all the files for a PEP 376 compatible install in a…

python2-whisper 1.0.2

Whisper is one of three components within the Graphite project. Whisper is a fixed-size database, similar in design and purpose to RRD (round-robin-database). It provides fast, reliable storage of numeric…

python2-whoosh 2.7.4

Whoosh is a fast, pure-Python full text indexing, search, and spell checking library. …

python2-widgetsnbextension 3.5.1

This package provides interactive HTML widgets for Jupyter notebooks. …

python2-wrapt 1.11.2

The aim of the wrapt module is to provide a transparent object proxy for Python, which can be used as the basis for the construction of function wrappers and decorator functions. …

python2-wsgiproxy2 0.4.6

WSGI turns HTTP requests into WSGI function calls. WSGIProxy turns WSGI function calls into HTTP requests. It also includes code to sign requests and pass private data, and to spawn…

python2-wtforms 2.1

WTForms is a flexible forms validation and rendering library for Python web development. It is very similar to the web form API available in Django, but is a standalone package. …


`wxpython' provides Python 2 bindings for wxWidgets. …

python2-xcffib 0.6.0

Xcffib is a replacement for xpyb, an XCB Python bindings. It adds support for Python 3 and PyPy. It is based on cffi. …

python2-xdo 0.3

Provides bindings to libxdo for manipulating X11 via simulated input. (Note that this is mostly a legacy library; you may wish to look at python-xdo for newer bindings.) …

python2-xenon 0.7.0

Xenon is a monitoring tool based on Radon. It monitors code complexity. Ideally, `xenon' is run every time code is committed. Through command line options, various thresholds can be set…

python2-xlib 0.27

The Python X Library is intended to be a fully functional X client library for Python programs. It is useful to implement low-level X clients. It is written entirely in…

python2-xlrd 1.2.0

This package provides a library to extract data from spreadsheets using Microsoft Excel proprietary file formats `.xls' and `.xlsx' (versions 2.0 onwards). It has support for Excel dates and is Unicode-aware.…

python2-xopen 0.5.0

This module provides an `xopen' function that works like Python's built-in `open' function, but can also deal with compressed files. Supported compression formats are gzip, bzip2 and, xz, and are automatically…

python2-xsge 2018.02.26

xSGE is a collection of modules that make doing certain tasks with the SGE Game Engine easier. In addition to SGE's conveniences, the user has access to a GUI toolkit, lighting…

python2-yapf 0.29.0

YAPF is a formatter for Python code. It's based off of "clang-format", developed by Daniel Jasper. In essence, the algorithm takes the code and reformats it to the best formatting…

python2-yubikey-manager 2.1.0

Python library and command line tool for configuring a YubiKey. Note that after installing this package, you might still need to add appropriate udev rules to your system configuration to be…

python2-zeroconf 0.19.1

Pure Python multicast DNS (mDNS) service discovery library (Bonjour/Avahi compatible). …

python2-zinnia 0.07-1.581faa8

Zinnia is a simple, customizable and portable online hand recognition system based on Support Vector Machines. Zinnia simply receives user pen strokes as a sequence of coordinate data and outputs n-best…

python2-zipp 1.0.0

This package provides a `pathlib'-compatible `Zipfile' object wrapper. It provides a backport of the `Path' object. …

python2-zope-component 4.6.2

Zope.component represents the core of the Zope Component Architecture. Together with the zope.interface package, it provides facilities for defining, registering and looking up components. …

python2-zope-configuration 4.4.0

Zope.configuration implements ZCML, the Zope Configuration Markup Language. …

python2-zope-event 4.4

Zope.event provides an event publishing API, intended for use by applications which are unaware of any subscribers to their events. It is a simple event-dispatching system on which more sophisticated event…

python2-zope-exceptions 4.4

Zope.exceptions provides general-purpose exception types that have uses outside of the Zope framework. …

python2-zope-i18nmessageid 5.0.1

Zope.i18nmessageid provides facilities for declaring internationalized messages within program source text. …

python2-zope-interface 5.1.0

Zope.interface provides an implementation of "object interfaces" for Python. Interfaces are a mechanism for labeling objects as conforming to a given API or contract. …

python2-zope-location 4.2

Zope.location implements the concept of "locations" in Zope3, which are are special objects that have a structural location. …

python2-zope-proxy 4.3.5

Zope.proxy provides generic, transparent proxies for Python. Proxies are special objects which serve as mostly-transparent wrappers around another object, intervening in the apparent behavior of the wrapped object only when necessary to…

python2-zope-schema 6.0.0

Zope.scheme provides extensions to zope.interface for defining data schemas. …

python2-zope-security 5.1.1 provides a generic mechanism to implement security policies on Python objects. …

python2-zope-testing 4.7

Zope.testing provides a number of testing utilities for HTML forms, HTTP servers, regular expressions, and more. …

python2-zope-testrunner 5.2

Zope.testrunner provides a script for running Python tests. …

pyzo 4.10.2

Pyzo is a Python IDE focused on interactivity and introspection, which makes it very suitable for scientific computing. Its practical design is aimed at simplicity and efficiency. It consists of two main…

pzstd 1.4.4

Parallel Zstandard (PZstandard or `pzstd') is a multi-threaded implementation of the Zstandard compression algorithm ( It is fully compatible with the original Zstandard file format and command-line interface, and can be used…

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