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This package is an Emacs minor mode and allows you to edit one occurrence of some text in a buffer (possibly narrowed) or region, and simultaneously have other occurrences edited in the…

emacs-image+ 0.6.2-1.6834d0c

Image+ provides keybindings allowing you to zoom in or zoom out of an image, rotate it, save modified images, and more. …

emacs-imenu-list 0.8

This Emacs minor mode creates an automatically updated buffer called `*Ilist*' that is populated with the current buffer's imenu entries. This buffer is typically shown as a sidebar (Emacs vertically splits…

emacs-inf-ruby 2.5.2

`inf-ruby' provides a Read Eval Print Loop (REPL) buffer, allowing for easy interaction with a ruby subprocess. Features include support for detecting specific uses of Ruby, e.g. when using rails,…

emacs-info-plus 0-2.4a6b93c

This package extends Emacs' `info.el' by allowing outline-enabled table of contents, additional metadata association for Info nodes, and more. …

emacs-interactive-align 0.4.2

Interactive align-regexp command in Emacs …

emacs-interleave 1.4.0

Interleave is a minor mode that presents a document viewer side by side to an Org buffer with your notes relevant to the current page. …

emacs-irfc 20130824.507-1

This package provides an Emacs interface for IETF RFC document. …

emacs-irony-eldoc 1.4.0

Irony-eldoc is an eldoc extension that shows documentation for the current function or variable in the minibuffer. …

emacs-irony-mode 1.4.0

Irony-mode provides Clang-assisted syntax checking and completion for C, C++, and ObjC in GNU Emacs. Using `libclang' it can provide syntax checking and autocompletion on compiler level which is very resistant…

emacs-irony-mode-server 1.4.0

Irony-mode provides Clang-assisted syntax checking and completion for C, C++, and ObjC in GNU Emacs. Using `libclang' it can provide syntax checking and autocompletion on compiler level which is very resistant…

emacs-isearch+ 0-2.7c251b9

This package extends `isearch' with advice, dynamic filters, highlighting of regexp group levels, and more. …

emacs-isearch-dabbrev 0.1-1.1efe7ab

This package allows `dabbrev-expand' to be used within `isearch-mode'. …

emacs-isearch-prop 0-2.4a2765f

The Emacs library `isearch-prop.el' lets you search within contexts. You can limit incremental search to a set of zones of buffer text, search contexts that in effect constitute a multi-region. …

emacs-itail 0.0.1-1.6e43c20

`itail' provides interactive `tail' mode that allows you to filter the tail with unix pipes and highlight the contents of the tailed file. Works locally or on remote files using tramp. …

emacs-ivy 0.13.1

This package provides `ivy-read' as an alternative to `completing-read' and similar functions. No attempt is made to determine the best candidate. Instead, the user can navigate candidates with `ivy-next-line' and…

emacs-ivy-clipmenu 0.0.1-1.d2071f2

Ivy integration with the clipboard manager, clipmenu. …

emacs-ivy-omni-org 0.2.1-1.5460a9f

This package allows Org items to be accessed via the Ivy interface. …

emacs-ivy-pass 0.1-1.5b523de

This package provides an Ivy interface for working with the password store `pass'. …

emacs-ivy-posframe 0.1.0-1.ae9bafe

This package provides an Emacs Ivy extension, which let Ivy use posframe to show its candidate menu. …

emacs-ivy-rich 0.1.4-2.7a667b1

This package extends `ivy' by showing more information in the minibuffer for each candidate. It adds columns showing buffer modes, file sizes, docstrings, etc. If `emacs-all-the-icons' is installed, it can…

emacs-ivy-taskrunner 0.9-1.75d8d67

This package provides an Ivy interface for selecting Makefile targets. …

emacs-ivy-xref 0.1-1.1a35fc0

This package provides an Ivy interface for selecting from `xref' results. …

emacs-ivy-yasnippet 0.1-2.32580b4

This package allows you to select `yasnippet' snippets using `ivy' completion. When current selection changes in the minibuffer, the snippet contents are temporarily expanded in the buffer. To use it, call…

emacs-janpath-evil-numbers 0.5-1.d988041

This package provides functionality to search for a number up to the end of a line and increment or decrement it. …

emacs-jedi 0.2.8

This package provides completion in Python buffers and also helps find the locations of docstrings, arguments, and functions. …

emacs-jenkinsfile-mode 0.0.1-1.00d259f

This package provides a `jenkinsfile-mode' derived from `groovy-mode' for editing Jenkins declarative pipeline files. …

emacs-jinja2-mode 0.2

Emacs major mode for jinja2 with: syntax highlighting, sgml/html integration, and indentation (working with sgml). …

emacs-js2-mode 20190219

Js2-mode provides a JavaScript major mode for Emacs that is more advanced than the built-in javascript-mode. Features include accurate syntax highlighting using a recursive-descent parser, on-the-fly reporting of syntax errors and strict-mode…

emacs-js2-refactor-el 0.9.0-2.d4c40b5

This package provides various refactoring functions for JavaScript. …

emacs-json-mode 1.7.0

`json-mode' extends the builtin js-mode syntax highlighting. …

emacs-json-reformat 0.0.6

`json-reformat' provides a reformatting tool for JSON ( …

emacs-json-snatcher 1.0.0

`emacs-json-snatcher' grabs the path to JSON values in a JSON ( file. …

emacs-jsonrpc 1.0.12

This library implements the JSONRPC 2.0 specification as described in `'. As the name suggests, JSONRPC is a generic Remote Procedure Call protocol designed around JSON objects. …

emacs-julia-mode 0.3-1.115d4dc8

This Emacs package provides a mode for the Julia programming language. …

emacs-kakoune 0.1-0.d73d14e

This package provides many, but not all of the editing primitives in the Kakoune editor. Unlike Evil mode for Vim, this is a very shallow emulation, which seeks to do as…

emacs-kana 1.0.0-0.b239c3c

This Emacs mode displays Hiragana and Katakana flashcards. It can use functionality from Emacs Kanji mode if it is installed. …

emacs-kanji 1.0-0.5e9d5b7

This minor mode displays the stroke order of the Kanji sign under cursor in a transient buffer. It has a built-in collection of SVG images depicting stroke orders for all Kanji.…

emacs-key-chord 0.6

`emacs-key-chord' provides `key-chord-mode', a mode for binding key chords to commands. A key chord is defined as two keys pressed simultaneously or a single key quickly pressed twice. …

emacs-keyfreq 20160516.716

`emacs-keyfeq' tracks and shows how many times you used a command. …

emacs-know-your-http-well 0.5.0

Meaning of HTTP headers codes. …

emacs-kv 0.0.19

`emacs-kv' is a collection of tools for dealing with key/value data structures such as plists, alists and hash-tables in Emacs Lisp. …

emacs-lacarte 0.1

Execute menu items as commands, with completion. …

emacs-lcr 1.1

This package provides macros that can translate code into equivalent continuation-passing code, as well as miscellaneous utility functions written in continuation-passing style. …

emacs-leaf 4.2.5

This package provides macros that allows you to declaratively configure settings typical of an Elisp package with various keywords. The syntax is similar, but not identical to use-package -- overall, leaf…

emacs-ledger-mode 3.1.1-1.253a20d

Ledger is a powerful, double-entry accounting system that is accessed from the UNIX command-line. This may put off some users, since there is no flashy UI, but for those who want…

emacs-leetcode 0-1.8624496

This package provides an Emacs interface to LeetCode allowing users to log in and solve problems of their choice using Emacs. …

emacs-let-alist 1.0.6

This package offers a single macro, `let-alist'. This macro takes a first argument (whose value must be an alist) and a body. …

emacs-libgit 20200515-1.0ef8b13

This is an experimental module written in C providing libgit2 bindings for Emacs, intended to boost the performance of Magit. …

emacs-libmpdel 1.1.2

An Emacs library client to communicate with Music Player Daemon (MPD), a flexible, powerful, server-side application for playing music. …

emacs-libyaml 0-1.703e0d4

This package implements bindings for LibYAML to be able to parse YAML files in Elisp. …

emacs-lice-el 0.2-1.4339929

`lice.el' provides following features: * License template management. * File header insertion. …

emacs-link-hint 0.1-1.d74a483

This package provides commands for visiting and acting on links. …

emacs-linum-relative 0.6

`emacs-linum-relative' displays the relative line number on the left margin in Emacs. …

emacs-lisp-extra-font-lock 0.0.6-1.4605ecc

This package highlight the location where local variables is created (bound, for example, by let) as well as quoted and backquoted constant expressions. …

emacs-lispy 0.27.0

Due to the structure of Lisp syntax it's very rare for the programmer to want to insert characters right before "(" or right after ")". Thus unprefixed printable characters can be…

emacs-lispyville 0.1-2.1bf3808

LispyVille's main purpose is to provide a Lisp editing environment suited towards Evil users. It can serve as a minimal layer on top of lispy for better integration with Evil, but…

emacs-list-utils 0.4.4

This package provides a list manipulation library for Emacs. …

emacs-litable 0.1-0.b0278f3

This package provides dynamic evaluation in Emacs. …

emacs-literate-calc-mode 0.1-0.e855bd7

This library provides literate programming for Calc. There is both a major and a minor mode. The major mode does some basic syntax highlighting, while the minor mode only evaluates…

emacs-load-relative 1.3.1

Provides functions which facilitate writing multi-file Emacs packages and running from the source tree without having to "install" code or fiddle with {load-path …

emacs-loc-changes 1.2

This Emacs package provides a mean to track important buffer positions after buffer changes. …

emacs-log4e 0.3.0

This package provides a logging framework for elisp. It allows you to deal with multiple log levels. …

emacs-logview 0.9

`logview' provides an Emacs mode to view log files. …

emacs-loop 1.3

Loop structures familiar to users of other languages. This library adds a selection of popular loop structures as well as break and continue. …

emacs-lorem-ipsum 0.2-1.4b39f6f

This package provides convenience functions to insert dummy Latin text into a buffer. This can be useful if you need to produce paragraphs or pages of text for testing purposes. …

emacs-lpy 0.1.0-3.43b401f

This package provides a minor mode for Python that binds useful commands to unprefixed keys, such as `j' or `e', under certain circumstances, and leaves the keys untouched outside of those situations,…

emacs-lsp-ivy 0.1-2.caf1e1d

This package enhances `ivy' with completion for symbols from workspaces with a LSP-compliant server running. …

emacs-lsp-java 2.2

Emacs Java IDE using Eclipse JDT Language Server. …

emacs-lsp-lua-emmy 0.1.0-1.ab53fb2

This package provides a Lua language support in `lsp-mode' client for Emacs. …

emacs-lsp-mode 7.0.1

LSP mode is a client and library implementation for the Language Server Protocol. This mode creates an IDE-like experience by providing optional integration with other popular Emacs packages like Company, Flycheck,…

emacs-lsp-ui 7.0

`LSP-ui' contains several enhancements and integrations for `lsp-mode', such as visual flychecking, displaying references in-line, and code peeking. …

emacs-lua-mode 20200508-0.35b6e4c

This Emacs package provides a mode for Lua programming language ( …

emacs-m-buffer-el 0.15

`m-buffer' provides a set of list-orientated functions for operating over the contents of Emacs buffers. …

emacs-macrostep 0.9-1.424e373

`macrostep' is an Emacs minor mode for interactively stepping through the expansion of macros in Emacs Lisp source code. It lets you see exactly what happens at each step of the…

emacs-magit 2.90.1-6.7f486d4

With Magit, you can inspect and modify your Git repositories with Emacs. You can review and commit the changes you have made to the tracked files, for example, and you can…

emacs-magit-annex 1.7.1-1.ef5dce6

Magit-annex adds a few git-annex operations to the Magit interface. …

emacs-magit-gerrit 0.3-1.ece6f36

This Magit extension provides integration with Gerrit, which makes it possible to conduct Gerrit code reviews directly from within Emacs. …

emacs-magit-org-todos-el 0.1.1-1.df20628

This package allows you to get `' into your magit status. If you have a `' file with `TODO' items in the root of your repository, `magit-org-todos' will create a section in…

emacs-magit-popup 2.13.3

This library implements a generic interface for toggling switches and setting options and then invoking an Emacs command which does something with these arguments. The prototypical use is for the command…

emacs-magit-svn 2.2.1-2.9e33cee

This package is an extension to Magit, the Git Emacs mode, providing support for Git-SVN. …

emacs-magit-todos 1.4.1

This package displays keyword entries from source code comments and Org files in the Magit status buffer. Activating an item jumps to it in its file. By default, it uses…

emacs-make-it-so 0.1.0-2.b73dfb6

This package provides an interface for selecting from different conversion recipes, often including tools like `ffmpeg' or `convert'. The conversion command need only be written once, and subsequent invocations can be…

emacs-makey 0.3

This package provides an Emacs interactive command-line mode. …

emacs-markdown-mode 2.4

Markdown-mode is a major mode for editing Markdown-formatted text files in Emacs. …

emacs-markdown-preview-mode 0.9.2

This package provides a minor mode for preview of Markdown files, and sends rendered Markdown to a web browser. …

emacs-markup-faces 1.0.0

emacs-markup-faces is like font-lock-faces, but tailored for markup languages instead programming languages. The sub group markup-faces-text is also intended for 'text viewing modes' such as info or (wo)man. This gives…

emacs-mastodon 0.9.0

`mastodon.el' is an Emacs client for Mastodon, the federated microblogging social network. …

emacs-matcha 0.0.1-1.c7df5cf

Matcha provides a collection of transients for various packages with a consistent way to use them. …

emacs-math-symbol-lists 1.2.1-1.dc7531c

This is a storage package used by completion engines like `company-math'. …

emacs-matrix-client 0.0.0-4.a062366

`matrix-client' is a simple chat UI to rooms. It also provides an API which allows Emacs to seamlessly create RPC channels with users and other software. …

emacs-mbsync 0.1.2-4.b62491c

This package calls `mbsync' from within Emacs. …

emacs-mc-extras 1.2.4-1.053abc5

This package provides additional functions for `multiple-cursors', including functions for marking s-expressions, comparing characters, removing cursors, and more. …

emacs-md4rd 0.3.1

This package allows reading Reddit from within Emacs interactively. …

emacs-memoize 1.1

`emacs-memoize' is an Emacs library for memoizing functions. …

emacs-meson-mode 0.2

This is an Emacs major mode for Meson build system files. Syntax highlighting works reliably. Indentation works too, but there are probably cases where it breaks. …

emacs-message-x 1.23-0.5524de7

`message-x' assigns a context-sensitive function to the TAB key in Message mode. When on a header line, it performs completion based on which header we are in (for example, newsgroup name completion…

emacs-metal-mercury-mode 0.0.0-1.99e2d8f

Major mode for editing Mercury files. This is a rewrite of the original mercury-mode provided by Emacs as a wrapper around prolog-mode. …

emacs-mew 6.8

Mew (Messaging in the Emacs World) is a user interface for text messages, multimedia messages (MIME), news articles and security functionality including PGP, S/MIME, SSH, and SSL. …

emacs-minibuffer-line 0.1

This package lets you display various status information in the minibuffer window instead of the mode-line. Of course, this is only displayed when the minibuffer window is not already used for…

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