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emacs-pandoc-mode 2.27.2

This package provides a Hydra menu for interacting with the Pandoc, the document-conversion tool. …

emacs-paredit 24

ParEdit (paredit.el) is a minor mode for performing structured editing of S-expression data. The typical example of this would be Lisp or Scheme source code. ParEdit helps **keep parentheses balanced** and adds…

emacs-paren-face 1.0.6

This library defines a face named `parenthesis' used just for parentheses. The intended purpose of this face is to make parentheses less visible in Lisp code by dimming them. Lispers…

emacs-parent-mode 2.3

Get major mode's parent modes …

emacs-parinfer-mode 0.4.10

`parinfer-mode' is a proof-of-concept editor mode for Lisp programming languages. It will infer some changes to keep Parens and Indentation inline with one another. …

emacs-parsebib 2.3.3

This package provides an Emacs library for parsing `.bib' files. …

emacs-parseclj 0.1.0

An Emacs Lisp library for parsing Clojure code and EDN data. It supports several input and output formats, all powered by the same shift-reduce parser function. …

emacs-parseedn 0.1.0

An Emacs Lisp library for parsing EDN (Clojure) data. It uses parseclj's shift-reduce parser internally. …

emacs-pass 2.0

This is a major mode for managing password-store (pass) keychains. The keychain entries are displayed in a directory-like structure and can be consulted and modified. …

emacs-password-generator 1.01

`emacs-password-generator' provides simple functions to generate random passwords and insert them into the current buffer. It also supports generation of phonetic and numeric passwords. …

emacs-password-store 1.7.3

This package provides functions for working with pass ("the standard Unix password manager"). …

emacs-pcre2el 1.8-1.0b5b2a2

`pcre2el' or `rxt' (RegeXp Translator or RegeXp Tools) is a utility for working with regular expressions in Emacs, based on a recursive-descent parser for regexp syntax. In addition to converting (a…

emacs-pdf-tools 0.90

PDF Tools is, among other things, a replacement of DocView for PDF files. The key difference is that pages are not pre-rendered by e.g. ghostscript and stored in the file-system,…

emacs-peep-dired 0-1.c88a9a3

This package provides a minor mode that allows files to be previewed by scrolling up and down within a `dired' buffer. …

emacs-peg 0.6

This package provides a macro that parses the current buffer according to a parsing expression grammar. …

emacs-persist 0.4

This package provides variables which persist across sessions. Values are stored in a directory in `user-emacs-directory', using one file per value. This makes it easy to delete or remove unused…

emacs-persp-mode 2.9.8

This package extends `perspective.el' to enable perspectives that can be saved to and restored from a file. …

emacs-perspective 2.9

This package provides tagged workspaces in Emacs, similar to workspaces in windows managers such as Awesome and XMonad. `perspective.el' provides multiple workspaces (or "perspectives") for each Emacs frame. Each perspective…

emacs-pfuture 1.6-1.368254e

This package provides a simple wrapper around asynchronous processes for Emacs …

emacs-pg 0.1-1.4f6516e

This package provides an Emacs Lisp interface for PostgreSQL. …

emacs-phi-search 20160630-1.9a089b8

This package can be used with `multiple-cursors' to provide an incremental search that moves all fake cursors in sync. …

emacs-phi-search-mc 2.2.1-1.7aa6719

This package provides further integration between `multiple-cursors' and `phi-search', a package that allows for interactive searches to move multiple fake cursors. …

emacs-php-mode 1.23.0

PHP mode is a major mode for editing PHP source code. It's an extension of C mode; thus it inherits all C mode's navigation functionality. But it colors according to…

emacs-picpocket 40

Picpocket is an image viewer for GNU Emacs. It has commands for: * File operations on the picture files (delete, move, copy, hardlink). * Scale…

emacs-pinentry 0.1-1.dcc9ba0

This package allows GnuPG passphrase to be prompted through the minibuffer instead of graphical dialog. To use, add `allow-emacs-pinentry' to `~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf', reload the configuration with `gpgconf --reload gpg-agent', and start the server with…

emacs-pkg-info 0.6

This library extracts information from the installed Emacs packages. …

emacs-plantuml-mode 1.4.1

This package provides a major mode for editing PlantUML sources. It features syntax highlighting, autocompletion, preview of buffer or region and use of locally installed binaries. …

emacs-poet-theme 0-0.d84f7b2

Emacs has very good support for multiple fonts in a single file. Poet uses this support to make it much more convenient to write prose within Emacs, with particular attention paid…

emacs-polymode 0.2

Polymode is an Emacs package that offers generic support for multiple major modes inside a single Emacs buffer. It is lightweight, object oriented and highly extensible. Creating a new polymode…

emacs-polymode-ansible 0.1-1.b26094d

Edit YAML files for Ansible containing embedded Jinja2 templating. …

emacs-polymode-org 0.2

Provides definitions for `emacs-polymode' to support `emacs-org' buffers. Edit source blocks in an Org mode buffer using the native modes of the blocks' languages while remaining inside the primary Org buffer. …

emacs-popup 0.5.8

Popup.el is a visual popup user interface library for Emacs. This provides a basic API and common UI widgets such as popup tooltips and popup menus. …

emacs-pos-tip 0.4.6

The standard library tooltip.el provides a function for displaying a tooltip at the mouse position. However, locating a tooltip at an arbitrary buffer position in a window is not easy. …

emacs-posframe 0.7.0

`emacs-posframe' can pop a posframe at point. A posframe is a child frame displayed within its root window's buffer. `emacs-posframe' is fast and works well with CJK languages. …

emacs-powerline 2.4

Powerline is a utility plugin which allows you to create a better-looking, more functional Emacs mode-line. A collection of predefined themes comes with the package. …

emacs-prescient 5.0

Prescient is a library for sorting and filtering, as well as extensions for Ivy and Company that make use of the library. …

emacs-prettier 0.1.0-1.e9b73e8

This package integrates Prettier with Emacs, and provides a minor mode that autoformats the buffer upon saving. …

emacs-pretty-mode 2.0.3

Emacs minor mode for redisplaying parts of the buffer as pretty symbols. …

emacs-prodigy-el 0.7.0-2.0a12eec

This package provides a GUI for defining and monitoring services. …

emacs-projectile 2.2.0

This library provides easy project management and navigation. The concept of a project is pretty basic - just a folder containing special file. Currently git, mercurial and bazaar repos are…

emacs-prop-menu 0.1.2

This is a library for computing context menus based on text properties and overlays. The intended use is to have tools that annotate source code and others that use these annotations,…

emacs-protobuf-mode 3.12.3

This package provides an Emacs major mode for editing Protocol Buffer source files. …

emacs-psc-ide 0.1.0-1.7fc2b84

This package provices Emacs integration for `psc-ide', an IDE protocol for PureScript programming language. It features: * Completions * Type at point * Go…

emacs-psession 1.5-1.3e97267

This package provides minor modes for saving Emacs session data, including buffers, window configuration, variables, and more. …

emacs-pubmed 0.2.1

This package provides an Emacs interface to the PubMed database of references on life sciences. …

emacs-pulseaudio-control 0.0.1-3.7e1a870

This package allows controlling `pulseaudio' from Emacs. …

emacs-punpun-theme 0-0.2f78125

A bleak theme. Uses shades of gray and the occasional splash of color. Designed for 256-color terminals. Comes in light and dark! …

emacs-puppet-mode 0.3-1.b3ed505

This package provides support for the Puppet configuration language, including syntax highlighting, indentation of expressions and statements, linting of manifests and integration with Puppet Debugger. …

emacs-pyim 1.8

Chinese input method which supports quanpin, shuangpin, wubi and cangjie. …

emacs-pyim-basedict 0.3.1

Pyim-basedict is the default pinyin input method dictionary, containing words from the rime project. …

emacs-python-environment 0.0.2

This package permits automated installation of tools written in Python. …

emacs-pyvenv 1.21

pyvenv.el is a minor mode to support using Python virtual environments (virtualenv) inside Emacs. …

emacs-qml-mode 0.4

This package provides the `qml-mode' major Emacs mode for editing source files written in the Qt Modeling Language (QML) user interface markup language. It provides syntax highlighting and basic navigation commands.…

emacs-quasi-monochrome 1.2-0.68060db

This package provides a dark color theme with a black background, high contrast and few colors. …

emacs-queue 0.2

This Emacs library provides queue data structure. These queues can be used both as a first-in last-out (FILO) and as a first-in first-out (FIFO) stack, i.e. elements can be added to…

emacs-racer 1.2

This is the official Emacs package for Racer. It supports code completion of variables, functions and modules. It can also jump to definition of functions and types, and show a…

emacs-racket-mode 0.0.2-6.5eb31a2

`racket-mode' provides: * Focus on Racket (not various Schemes). * Follow DrRacket concepts where applicable. * Thorough font-lock and indent. …

emacs-rainbow-blocks 1.0.0-1.dd435d7

Rainbow-blocks is an Emacs mode that highlights blocks made of parentheses, brackets, and braces according to their depth. Each successive level is highlighted in a different color. This makes it…

emacs-rainbow-delimiters 2.1.4

Rainbow-delimiters is a "rainbow parentheses"-like mode for Emacs which highlights parentheses, brackets, and braces according to their depth. Each successive level is highlighted in a different color, making it easy to…

emacs-rainbow-identifiers 0.2.2

Rainbow identifiers mode is an Emacs minor mode providing highlighting of identifiers based on their names. Each identifier gets a color based on a hash of its name. …

emacs-rainbow-mode 1.0.5

This minor mode sets background color to strings that match color names, e.g., `#0000ff' is displayed in white with a blue background. …

emacs-realgud 1.5.1

RealGUD is a modular, extensible GNU Emacs front-end for interacting with external debuggers. It integrates various debuggers such as gdb, pdb, ipdb, jdb, lldb, bashdb, zshdb, etc. and allows to…

emacs-recent-addresses 0.1-1.afbbfdc

`recent-addresses' is an Emacs package that allows you to quickly look up previously used email addresses. It can be used alongside the Gnus email client. …

emacs-recutils 1.8

This package provides an Emacs major mode `rec-mode' for working with GNU Recutils text-based, human-editable databases. It supports editing, navigation, and querying of recutils database files including field and record folding. …

emacs-redshank 0.1-1.f98e68f

Redshank is a collection of code-wrangling Emacs macros mostly geared towards Common Lisp, but some are useful for other Lisp dialects, too. Redshank's code transformations aim to be expression-based (as opposed…

emacs-refactor 0.4

Emacs Refactor (EMR) is a framework for providing language-specific refactoring in Emacs. It includes refactoring commands for a variety of languages, including elisp itself. …

emacs-reformatter 0.4

This library lets elisp authors easily define an idiomatic command to reformat the current buffer using a command-line program, together with an optional minor mode which can apply this command automatically on…

emacs-relint 1.18

Relint (regular expression lint) scans Elisp files for mistakes in regexps, including deprecated syntax and bad practice. It also checks the regexp-like arguments to `skip-chars-forward' and `skip-chars-backward'. …

emacs-repl-toggle 0.6.1

This package provides a function to switch to and from a REPL appropriate to the current major mode. …

emacs-repo 0.1.3

This package provides integration of the Google Repo tool with emacs. It displays the output of the `repo status' command in a buffer and launches Magit from the status buffer for…

emacs-request 0.3.2

This package provides a HTTP request library with multiple backends. It supports url.el which is shipped with Emacs and the curl command line program. …

emacs-restart-emacs 0.1.1-1.9aa90d3

This package provides a simple command to restart Emacs from within Emacs. …

emacs-restclient 0-2.422ee8d

This tool allows for testing and exploration of HTTP REST Web services from within Emacs. Restclient runs queries from a plan-text query sheet, displays results pretty-printed in XML or JSON with…

emacs-rfcview 0.13

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the Internet Society (ISOC) publish various Internet-related protocols and specifications as "Request for Comments" (RFC) documents and Internet Standard (STD) documents. RFCs and STDs are…

emacs-rg 1.8.1

`rg' is an Emacs search package based on the `ripgrep' command line tool. It allows one to interactively search based on the editing context then refine or modify the search results. …

emacs-rich-minority 1.0.3

This Emacs package hides and/or highlights minor modes in the mode-line. …

emacs-rime 1.0.3

Rime is an Emacs input method built upon Rime input method engine. …

emacs-rjsx-mode 0.4-2.0e7fa6b

This package extends the parser of `js2-mode' to support JSX syntax. …

emacs-robe 0.8.2

Robe can provide information on loaded classes and modules in Ruby code, as well as where methods are defined. This allows the user to jump to method definitions, modules and classes,…

emacs-robot-mode 0.0.0-1.32846e7

This major mode facilitates editing Robot Framework source files with features such as syntax highlighting, comments, finding keywords, completing keywords and smart indentation. …

emacs-rotate-text 0.1

`rotate-text' allows you rotate to commonly interchanged text with a single keystroke. For example, you can toggle between "frame-width" and "frame-height", between "public", "protected" and "private" and between "variable1", "variable2" through "variableN". …

emacs-rpm-spec-mode 0.16

`emacs-rpm-spec-mode' provides an Emacs major mode for editing RPM spec files. …

emacs-rspec 1.11-1.66ea7cc

The Emacs RSpec mode provides keybindings for Ruby source files, e.g. to verify the spec associated with the current buffer, or entire project, as well as moving between the spec files,…

emacs-rsw-elisp 1.0.5

This package improves and replaces the GNU Emacs commands that interactively evaluate Emacs Lisp expressions. The new commands replace standard key bindings and are all prefixed with `rsw-elisp-'. They work…

emacs-rudel 0.3.1

Rudel is a collaborative editing environment for GNU Emacs. Its purpose is to share buffers with other users in order to edit the contents of those buffers collaboratively. Rudel supports…

emacs-rust-mode 0.4.0

This package provides a major Emacs mode for editing Rust source code. …

emacs-ryo-modal 0.4-0.3a54312

RYO modal provides a convenient way of defining modal keybindings in Emacs, and does not come with any predefined bindings. …

emacs-s 1.12.0

This package provides an Emacs library for manipulating strings. …

emacs-scala-mode 1.1.0

This package provides basic Emacs support for the Scala language, including: local indenting of code, comments and multi-line strings, motion commands and highlighting. …

emacs-scel 20170629-1.aeea3ad

`emacs-scel' is an Emacs interface to SuperCollider. SuperCollider is a platform for audio synthesis and algorithmic composition. …

emacs-scheme-complete 20151223.9b5cf224

This file provides a single function, `scheme-smart-complete', which you can use for intelligent, context-sensitive completion for any Scheme implementation in Emacs. To use it just load this file and bind that…

emacs-scratch-el 1.2-1.2cdf2b8

Scratch is an extension to Emacs that enables one to create scratch buffers that are in the same mode as the current buffer. This is notably useful when working on code…

emacs-scribble-mode 0.1-2.217945d

This package provides basic syntax highlighting and editing support for editing Racket's Scribble documentation syntax in Emacs. …

emacs-scroll-on-drag 0.1-1.888abd0

This package permits scrolling at increasing speeds based on drag distance. …

emacs-selectrum 2.0

Selectrum is a solution for incremental narrowing in Emacs, replacing Helm, Ivy, and IDO. Its design philosophy is based on choosing the right abstractions and prioritizing consistency and predictability over special-cased…

emacs-semantic-refactor 0.5-1.6f2c97d

This package provides a refactoring tool based on the Emacs Semantic parser framework. For C and C++ it supports operations such as: 1. Generating class implementations 2. Generating…

emacs-seq 2.20

Sequence-manipulation functions that complement basic functions provided by `subr.el'. …

emacs-sesman 0.3.4

Sesman provides facilities for session management and interactive session association with the current contexts (project, directory, buffers). While sesman can be used to manage arbitrary sessions, it primary targets the Emacs based…

emacs-shackle 1.0.3-1.7ccbe51

This package provides a global minor mode in which users can specify how popup-displaying functions occupy the screen. …

emacs-shell-pop 0.64-0.4b43940

This Emacs utility helps you pop up and pop out shell buffer window easily. Four pre-set options are: `shell', `terminal', `ansi-term', and `eshell'. You can also set your custom shell…

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