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cl-local-time 1.0.6-1.6279270

The LOCAL-TIME library is a Common Lisp library for the manipulation of dates and times. It is based almost entirely upon Erik Naggum's paper "The Long Painful History of Time". …

cl-log4cl 1.1.2

This is a Common Lisp logging framework that can log at various levels and mix text with expressions. …

cl-lparallel 2.8.4

`lparallel' is a library for parallel programming in Common Lisp, featuring: * a simple model of task submission with receiving queue, * constructs for expressing fine-grained…

cl-lquery 3.2.1-1.8048111

`lQuery' is a DOM manipulation library written in Common Lisp, inspired by and based on the jQuery syntax and functions. It uses Plump and CLSS as DOM and selector engines. …

cl-ltk 0.992

LTK is a Common Lisp binding for the Tk graphics toolkit. It is written in pure Common Lisp and does not require any Tk knowledge for its usage. …

cl-ltk-mw 0.992

This is a collection of higher-level widgets built on top of LTK. …

cl-ltk-remote 0.992

This LTK extension allows the GUI to be displayed on a computer different from the one running the Lisp program by using a TCP connection. …

cl-lzlib 1.0-1.0de1db7

This Common Lisp library provides functions for lzip (LZMA) compression/decompression using bindings to the lzlib C library. …

cl-map-set 0.0.0-1.7b4b545

Implementation of a set-like data structure with constant time addition, removal, and random selection. …

cl-markup 0.1-1.e0eb7de

A modern markup generation library for Common Lisp that features: * Fast (even faster through compiling the code) * Safety * Support for multiple…

cl-marshal 1.3.0-1.eff1b15

Simple and fast marshalling of Lisp datastructures. Convert any object into a string representation, put it on a stream an revive it from there. Only minimal changes required to make…

cl-mcclim 0.9.7-0.27b4d7a

McCLIM is an implementation of the _Common Lisp Interface Manager specification_, a toolkit for writing GUIs in Common Lisp. …

cl-md5 2.0.4

This package implements The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm, as defined in RFC 1321 by R. Rivest, published April 1992. …

cl-metabang-bind 0.8.0-1.c93b7f7

Bind extends the idea of of let and destructing to provide a uniform syntax for all your accessor needs. It combines `let', `destructuring-bind', `with-slots', `with-accessors', structure editing, property or association-lists, and `multiple-value-bind'…

cl-metatilities-base 0.6.6-1.6eaa9e3

Metatilities-base is the core of the metatilities Common Lisp library which implements a set of utilities. …

cl-mgl-pax 0.0.0-1.8184484

PAX provides an extremely poor man's Explorable Programming environment. Narrative primarily lives in so called sections that mix markdown docstrings with references to functions, variables, etc, all of which should probably have their…

cl-misc-extensions 3.3-1.101c051

This project is intended as a catchall for small, general-purpose extensions to Common Lisp. It contains: * `new-let', a macro that combines and generalizes `let', `let*' and …

cl-mk-string-metrics 0.1.2

This library implements efficient algorithms that calculate various string metrics in Common Lisp: * Damerau-Levenshtein distance * Hamming distance * Jaccard similarity coefficient …

cl-mmap 1.0.0-0.ba2e98c

This is a utility library providing access to the _mmap_ family of functions in a portable way. It allows you to directly map a file into the address space of your…

cl-moptilities 0.3.13-1.a436f16

MOP utilities provide a common interface between Lisps and make the MOP easier to use. …

cl-mt19937 1.1

MT19937 is a portable Mersenne Twister pseudo-random number generator for Common Lisp. …

cl-mysql 0.1-1.ab56c27

`cl-mysql' is a Common Lisp implementation of a MySQL wrapper. …

cl-myway 0.1.0-1.2862300

My Way is a Sinatra-compatible URL routing library. …

cl-named-readtables 0.9-2.64bd53f

Named readtables is a library that creates a namespace for named readtables, which is akin to package namespacing in Common Lisp. …

cl-napa-fft3 0.0.1-0.f2d9614

Napa-FFT3 provides Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) routines, but also buildings blocks to express common operations that involve DFTs: filtering, convolutions, etc. …

cl-net.didierverna.asdf-flv 2.1

ASDF-FLV provides support for file-local variables through ASDF. A file-local variable behaves like `*PACKAGE*' and `*READTABLE*' with respect to `LOAD' and `COMPILE-FILE': a new dynamic binding is created before processing the…

cl-nibbles 0.14

When dealing with network protocols and file formats, it's common to have to read or write 16-, 32-, or 64-bit datatypes in signed or unsigned flavors. Common Lisp sort of supports this…

cl-ningle 0.3.0-1.50bd4f0

Ningle is a lightweight web application framework for Common Lisp. …

cl-nodgui 0.0.5-1.bc59ed9

Nodgui (_No Drama GUI_) is a Common Lisp binding for the Tk GUI toolkit. It also provides a few additional widgets more than the standard Tk ones. …

cl-numcl 0.1.0-1.1cf7dfa

This is a Numpy clone in Common Lisp. At the moment the library is written in pure Common Lisp, focusing more on correctness and usefulness, not speed. Track the progress…

cl-octet-streams 1.0

CL-octet-streams is a library implementing in-memory octet streams for Common Lisp. It was inspired by the trivial-octet-streams and cl-plumbing libraries. …

cl-online-learning 0.5-0.fc7a34f

This library contains a collection of machine learning algorithms for online linear classification written in Common Lisp. …

cl-opticl 0.0.0-0.e868441

Opticl is a Common Lisp library for representing, processing, loading, and saving 2-dimensional pixel-based images. …

cl-opticl-core 0.0.0-0.b7cd13d

This Common Lisp library contains the core classes and pixel access macros for the Opticl image processing library. …

cl-optima 1.0-1.373b245

Optima is a fast pattern matching library which uses optimizing techniques widely used in the functional programming world. …

cl-osicat 0.7.0-1.de0c18a

Osicat is a lightweight operating system interface for Common Lisp on Unix-platforms. It is not a POSIX-style API, but rather a simple lispy accompaniment to the standard ANSI facilities. …

cl-parachute 1.1.1-0.ca04dd8

Parachute is a simple-to-use and extensible testing framework. In Parachute, things are organised as a bunch of named tests within a package. Each test can contain a bunch of test…

cl-parenscript 2.7.1-1.7a1ac46

Parenscript is a translator from an extended subset of Common Lisp to JavaScript. Parenscript code can run almost identically on both the browser (as JavaScript) and server (as Common Lisp). Parenscript code…

cl-parse-declarations 1.0.0-1.549aebb

Parse-Declarations is a Common Lisp library to help writing macros which establish bindings. To be semantically correct, such macros must take user declarations into account, as these may affect the bindings…

cl-parse-float 0.0.0-1.2aae569

This package exports the following function to parse floating-point values from a string in Common Lisp. …

cl-parse-js 0.0.0-1.fbadc6029

Parse-js is a Common Lisp package for parsing JavaScript (ECMAScript 3). It has basic support for ECMAScript 5. …

cl-parse-number 1.7

`parse-number' is a library of functions for parsing strings into one of the standard Common Lisp number types without using the reader. `parse-number' accepts an arbitrary string and attempts to parse…

cl-paths 0.1.5

This package provides facilities to create and manipulate vectorial paths. …

cl-paths-ttf 0.1.5

This package provides facilities to create and manipulate vectorial paths. …

cl-pdf 0-1.752e337

CL-PDF is a cross-platform Common Lisp library for generating PDF files. …

cl-periods 0.0.2-1.983d4a5

Periods is a Common Lisp library providing a set of utilities for manipulating times, distances between times, and both contiguous and discontiguous ranges of time. …

cl-periods-series 0.0.2-1.983d4a5

Periods-series is an extension of the periods Common Lisp library providing functions compatible with the series Common Lisp library. …

cl-physical-dimension 0.0.0-1.e4711a6

Antik provides a foundation for scientific and engineering computation in Common Lisp. It is designed not only to facilitate numerical computations, but to permit the use of numerical computation libraries and…

cl-plump 2.0.0-1.34f890f

Plump is a parser for HTML/XML-like documents, focusing on being lenient towards invalid markup. It can handle things like invalid attributes, bad closing tag order, unencoded entities, inexistent tag types, self-closing…

cl-png-read 0.3.1-1.ec29f38

This is a Common Lisp library for reading PNG images. …

cl-pngload 2.0.0

This is a Common Lisp library to load images in the PNG image format, both from files on disk, or streams in memory. …

cl-portable-threads 2.3-1.c0e61a1

Portable Threads (and Scheduled and Periodic Functions) API for Common Lisp (from GBBopen project). …

cl-postgres 1.19-1.74469b2

`cl-postgres' is a low-level library used for interfacing with a PostgreSQL server over a socket. …

cl-postmodern 1.19-1.74469b2

`postmodern' is a Common Lisp library for interacting with PostgreSQL databases. It provides the following features: * Efficient communication with the database server without need for foreign …

cl-ppcre 2.1.1

CL-PPCRE is a portable regular expression library for Common Lisp, which is compatible with perl. It is pretty fast, thread-safe, and compatible with ANSI-compliant Common Lisp implementations. …

cl-prevalence 5-3.1e5f030

This Common Lisp library implements object prevalence (see `'). It allows for (de)serializing to and from s-exps as well as XML. Serialization of arbitrary classes and cyclic data structures are supported. …

cl-proc-parse 0.0.0-1.ac36368

This is a string/octets parser library for Common Lisp with speed and readability in mind. Unlike other libraries, the code is not a pattern-matching-like, but a char-by-char procedural parser. …

cl-prometheus 0.4.1 Common Lisp client. …

cl-prometheus.collectors.process 0.4.1

Prometheus collector for process metrics. …

cl-prometheus.collectors.sbcl 0.4.1

Prometheus collector for SBCL metrics. …

cl-prometheus.exposers.hunchentoot 0.4.1

Prometheus collector for Hunchentoot metrics …

cl-prometheus.formats.text 0.4.1

Prometheus client text format. …

cl-prometheus.pushgateway 0.4.1

Prometheus Pushgateway client. …

cl-prove 1.0.0-1.4f9122b

This project was originally called `cl-test-more'. `prove' is yet another unit testing framework for Common Lisp. The advantages of `prove' are: * Various simple functions for testing…

cl-prove-asdf 1.0.0-1.4f9122b

Test requirement for the Common Lisp `prove' library. …

cl-ptester 2.1.3-1.fe69fde

`ptester' is a portable testing framework based on Franz's tester module. …

cl-puri 1.5.7-1.ef5afb9

This is a portable Universal Resource Identifier library for Common Lisp programs. It parses URI according to the RFC 2396 specification. …

cl-py4cl 0.0.0-1.4c8a2b0

Py4CL is a bridge between Common Lisp and Python, which enables Common Lisp to interact with Python code. It uses streams to communicate with a separate python process, the approach taken…

cl-pythonic-string-reader 0.0.0-1.47a70ba

This piece of code sets up some reader macros that make it simpler to input string literals which contain backslashes and double quotes This is very useful for writing complicated docstrings and,…

cl-pzmq 0.0.0-1.7c7390e

This Common Lisp library provides bindings for the ZeroMQ lightweight messaging kernel. …

cl-qbase64 0.3.0

`qbase64' provides a fast and flexible base64 encoder and decoder for Common Lisp. …

cl-qrencode 0.1.2

This Common Lisp library provides function to make QR codes and to save them as PNG files. …

cl-quantile-estimator 0.0.1

Common Lisp implementation of Graham Cormode and S. Muthukrishnan's Effective Computation of Biased Quantiles over Data Streams in ICDE’05. …

cl-queues 0.0.0-1.47d4da6

This is a simple queue library for Common Lisp with features such as non-consing thread safe queues and fibonacci priority queues. …

cl-queues.priority-cqueue 0.0.0-1.47d4da6

This is a simple queue library for Common Lisp with features such as non-consing thread safe queues and fibonacci priority queues. …

cl-queues.priority-queue 0.0.0-1.47d4da6

This is a simple queue library for Common Lisp with features such as non-consing thread safe queues and fibonacci priority queues. …

cl-queues.simple-cqueue 0.0.0-1.47d4da6

This is a simple queue library for Common Lisp with features such as non-consing thread safe queues and fibonacci priority queues. …

cl-queues.simple-queue 0.0.0-1.47d4da6

This is a simple queue library for Common Lisp with features such as non-consing thread safe queues and fibonacci priority queues. …

cl-quickcheck 0.0.4-1.807b279

Common Lisp port of the QuickCheck unit test framework …

cl-quri 0.1.0-2.b53231c

QURI (pronounced "Q-ree") is yet another URI library for Common Lisp. It is intended to be a replacement of PURI. …

cl-randist 0.4.2

Manual translation from C to Common Lisp of some random number generation functions from the GSL library. …

cl-random-forest 0.1-1.fedb36c

CL-random-forest is an implementation of Random Forest for multiclass classification and univariate regression written in Common Lisp. It also includes an implementation of Global Refinement of Random Forest. …

cl-rdkafka 1.0.2

A Common Lisp client library for Apache Kafka. …

cl-reexport 0.1-1.312f366

cl-cookie is a Common Lisp library featuring parsing of cookie headers, cookie creation, cookie jar creation and more. …

cl-retrospectiff 0.2-0.c2a69d7

Retrospectiff is a common lisp library for reading and writing images in the TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) format. …

cl-rfc2388 0.0.0-1.591bcf7

This package contains an implementation of RFC 2388, which is used to process form data posted with HTTP POST method using enctype "multipart/form-data". …

cl-rove 0.9.6

Rove is a unit testing framework for Common Lisp applications. This is intended to be a successor of Prove. …

cl-rt 1990.12.19-1.a6a7503

RT provides a framework for writing regression test suites. …

cl-s-sql 1.19-1.74469b2

`s-sql' is a Common Lisp library that can be used to compile s-expressions to strings of SQL code, escaping any Lisp values inside, and doing as much as possible of the work…

cl-s-sysdeps 1-2.9aa23bb

`s-sysdeps' is an abstraction layer over platform dependent functionality. This simple package is used as a building block in a number of other open source projects. `s-sysdeps' abstracts: * managing…

cl-s-xml 3

S-XML is a simple XML parser implemented in Common Lisp. This XML parser implementation has the following features: * It works (handling many common XML usages). …

cl-s-xml-rpc 7

S-XML-RPC is an implementation of XML-RPC in Common Lisp for both client and server. …

cl-salza2 2.0.9

Salza2 is a Common Lisp library for creating compressed data in the zlib, deflate, or gzip data formats, described in RFC 1950, RFC 1951, and RFC 1952, respectively. …

cl-science-data 0.0.0-1.e4711a6

Antik provides a foundation for scientific and engineering computation in Common Lisp. It is designed not only to facilitate numerical computations, but to permit the use of numerical computation libraries and…

cl-serapeum 0.0.0-2.a2ca90c

Serapeum is a conservative library of Common Lisp utilities. It is a supplement, not a competitor, to Alexandria. …

cl-series 2.2.11-1.da9061b

This Common Lisp library provides a series data structure much like a sequence, with similar kinds of operations. The difference is that in many situations, operations on series may be composed…

cl-simple-date 1.19-1.74469b2

`simple-date' is a very basic implementation of date and time objects, used to support storing and retrieving time-related SQL types. …

cl-simple-date-postgres-glue 1.19-1.74469b2

`simple-date' is a very basic implementation of date and time objects, used to support storing and retrieving time-related SQL types. …

cl-simple-parallel-tasks 1.0-0.db460f7

This is a simple Common Lisp library to evaluate some forms in parallel. …

cl-simple-scanf 0-1.5048480

A simple scanf-like functionality implementation. …

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