ruby-chunky-png 1.3.12 Ruby library to handle PNG images

ChunkyPNG is a pure Ruby library that can read and write Portable Network Graphics (PNG) images without depending on an external image library. It tries to be memory efficient and reasonably fast. It has features such as:

  • Decoding support for any image that the PNG standard allows. This includes all standard color modes, all bit depths, all transparency, and interlacing and filtering options.

  • Encoding support for images of all color modes (true color, grayscale, and indexed) and transparency for all these color modes. The best color mode is chosen automatically, based on the amount of used colors.

  • Read/write access to the image's pixels.

  • Read/write access to all image metadata that is stored in chunks.

  • Memory efficiency: fixnum are used, i.e. 4 or 8 bytes of memory per pixel, depending on the hardware).

  • Performance: ChunkyPNG is reasonably fast for Ruby standards, by only using integer math and a highly optimized saving routine.

  • Interoperability with RMagick.